CommuniLink offers you FREE Whois Privacy Protection Service
No matter which domain registrar you used for domain registration, your submitted personal information will be disclosed in WHOIS database and everyone can search freely on the Internet. Spammers or hackers can always obtain your information to send fraud email, or even hack your domain name that will cause serious nuisance and loss.
CommuniLink understand the importance of privacy protection, we are pleased to offer FREE "Whois Privacy Protection Service" (Original Price: HK$150/year). As long as your domain name is registered via CommuniLink, you are able to enjoy this free service without any further registration. Free for both New and Old Customer*
If your domain name is not registered via CommuniLink, you can choose to transfer your domain to us and enjoy this free service. For inquiries about transfer domain registrar, please contact our customer service officer at (852) 2998-0808 or email to enquiry@communilink.net.
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